Cowpens Middle School Guidance Department
Joy Allen
School Counselor - Clifdale Middle
Counselor for Last Names A-M
Phone: 864-279-6213 / Fax: 864-279-6280
Colby Nilsen
School Counselor - Clifdale Middle
Counselor for Last Names N-Z
Phone: 864-279-6212/ Fax: 864-279-6280
Each student has an assigned counselor as their point person. However, students are free to see either counselor of their choice as needed.
Sonya Brewton
Guidance Secretary
Phone: 864-279 - 6214 / Fax: 864-279 - 6280
(If you are a school having difficulty faxing information, please scan the information and e-mail to Sonya Brewton.)
Starr Sims Wofford
Attendance Secretary
Phone: 864-279-6477/ Fax: 864-279-6240
Role of the School Guidance Counselor at CMS
We recognize that middle school is an exciting, yet challenging time for our students and families. During early adolescence, middle school students face unique developmental milestones that will have an impact on academic achievement. In today’s world, our students are living in an increasingly diverse society, with new technologies, and expanding opportunities and social pressures. For these reasons, every student needs support and guidance during this time of rapid growth and change.
As school counselors, our primary goals during this period of development are to support an awareness of self, respect for others, a positive sense of self-worth and personal responsibility. In the guidance office we strive to create a safe environment in which students can explore and develop the resiliency and coping mechanisms needed to successfully negotiate the passage towards young adulthood.
Counselors maintain on-going collaboration with our administration, teachers, school psychologists, social workers, special education staff, and school nurse in addressing the developmental needs of our students. We consider ourselves to be part of a team working towards the healthy development of our students. Communication and involvement with parents and guardians is a vital component of this partnership. Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the CMS guidance department whenever they have any questions or concerns about their student.

How to contact your school counselor
Students who would like to meet with their counselor are encouraged to stop by the guidance office. The best times for this without missing class are: homeroom / Red Raider Reading, lunch, recess, Exploritories, or at the beginning / end of the school day. In general, class time cannot be missed without teacher permission. If your counselor is unavailable when you stop by, please fill out the “Guidance Walk–In Form” or a note with your name and contact information and place the information the guidance mailbox found in the guidance suite, and a counselor will follow-up with you to arrange a meeting. The best way to schedule a parent/guardian meeting is by calling or emailing one of the school counselors directly.